Tag: Personality Types
50 Hikes in Wisconsin: #31 – Governor Dodge State Park
Scott and I were so excited to go hike Governor Dodge State Park. We’d been talking about going for years, and I am not exaggerating. The park is not quite an hour from our house, so just far enough away that we could never do it spur of the moment, which is always when we…
Bibliovert: It’s A Thing
Bibliovert: best fit yet. Are you a bibliovert too? P.S. Extroversion & Introversion, Gilmore Girls style. P.P.S. Meyers-Briggs, Enneagram, and honoring your personality type.
Let’s Talk About Personality Types
I love talking about personality types. I find it fascinating that all the people in the world are perfectly unique, but also that most of them fit into one of sixteen different categories when it comes to their basic mode of operating within the world. While I know that all of these types operate on…