Category: Life + Self

  • Life in Our New Home

    We are finally settled into our new house! Mostly. The counter in our laundry room is still covered in random cleaning supplies and tools that don’t quite have a home yet, and only 2/3 of our closets have any shelves in them. There are still a few boxes still to be unpacked, but all of…

  • True and Not-Yet-True

    True and Not-Yet-True

    There are things that can be true and untrue at the same time. Or maybe the term is not-yet-true. That sounds right. We are building a house. Those words have been in the back of our minds for two, three, four years. But there was always a “someday” word attached to it, a not-quite-yet or…

  • Life, Lately

    Life, Lately

    A few weeks ago, I posted on Instagram about being in a “Middle Season.” Now, after the rush of launching The Chasing Creative Podcast and making a dozen decisions on our house, we’re back in a middle season with not a lot to report. Instead of trying to force out a witty blog post about…